How to make refrigerator magnet at home. Ice chest magnets are an incredible expansion to any cooler. Regardless of whether a magnet with an entertaining expression, a trinket from your last occasions or an image of your number one pet, magnets are all over.
Fridge magnets can be fun and simple to make. Nearly anything can be transformed into a cooler magnet with a tad of paste and a magnet.
Did you simply adore fridge magnets when you were growing up? That is to say, everybody had them once upon a time. From those charming little organic products to the ABCs that children could figure out how to spell with, wherever you went you saw kitchen magnets.
I discovered simple cooler magnets that you can make yourself to embellish your kitchen!
Cute Alphabet Magnets
These little letters in order magnets are so lovable and they are ideal for assisting with showing your little ones their ABCs. You can make these with cardstock and wooden clothespins.
Simply print off pictures of creatures and letters and set up them all. The clothespin holds the magnet which holds everything to your cooler. I tracked down these on Etsy and they do look truly simply to make.
Bottlecap Food Magnets
How lovable are these bottlecap food magnets? These are excessively charming and they are truly simple to make.
You can destroy them quite a few food varieties from cupcakes to pizzas and doughnuts or anything you need. They’re really simple and bottlecaps are modest — simply keep them when you finish your glass soft drink bottles!
Dinosaur Magnets
I love these great dinosaur kitchen magnets. They are so natural to make and your children will adore them! They are additionally really modest. You can get a sack of plastic dinosaurs — or different creatures — at the Dollar Store for like a dollar.
Then, at that point you simply make the magnets by cutting them and you can even paint them in quite a few tones to make them a touch more exquisite assuming you need, or leave them as they are for a smidgen more fun.
Making a Clothespin Magnet
1) Gather your provisions: Clothespins can make incredible magnets since you can utilize them to clasp and hold things like reminders and plans. Here’s a rundown of what you should make one:
• Wooden clothespins
• Magnet (sheet is suggested)
• Glue
• Decorations, like paint, washi tape, and so on
2) Buy some wooden clothespins. They should be the sort that have a spring in them. The strong wood ones that don’t open and close will not be reasonable for this.
3) Decorate your clothespin. This is the place where you can get truly innovative. Anyway, you choose to enhance it, ensure that you leave the back clear, or you will not have the option to stick the magnet on. Additionally, ensure that you can in any case open and close the clothespin. Here are some beautifying thoughts:
• Cover the top and sides of your clothespin with washi tape. Washi tape is a kind of designed scrapbooking tape. You can discover it in the scrapbooking segment of an expressions and artworks store.
• Paint your clothespin utilizing a little paintbrush and acrylic paint. You can paint it every one of the one tone, or numerous shadings. Straightforward plans, like stripes, will work best on the clothespin.
• Glue a flimsy, level wooden shape, like a feline or canine, to the highest point of the clothespin. The wooden shape ought to be about a similar length as the clothespin. You can track down the wooden shapes in the wood segment of an expressions and artworks store.
• Glue down certain catches down the focal point of your clothespin. Play around with various shapes, shadings, and examples, simply ensure that the catches are a similar width as the clothespin.
4) Allow the clothespin to dry, if important. Contingent upon how you improved it, this can take anyplace from a couple of moments to a couple of hours. A few embellishments, for example, washi tape, don’t need any drying time.
5) Cut your magnet down to accommodate your clothespin. Cut a segment of attractive sheeting down to fit the rear of your garments pin. In case you are utilizing round, button magnets, plan on utilizing two magnets for every clothespin.
6) Glue the magnet to the rear of your clothespin. You can utilize a mechanical strength stick or craft glue. Define a boundary of paste down the rear of the clothespin and press the magnet down into the paste.
• If you are utilizing round button magnets, place a drop of paste on the top and lower part of the clothespin back. Press the round button magnets into the paste.
7) Allow the paste to dry before you utilize your magnet. When the paste dries, you can utilize the clothespin to hold plans and reminders to the entryway of your cooler.
Follow these simple strides to make glass magnet yourself:
Materials Needed
- embellishing glass jewels
- 3/4″ round earthenware magnets
- magazines, photographs or pretty paper
- Mod Podge
- scissors
- paintbrush
Prep Your Paper
Start by chopping your picture down to a more sensible, two or three inches bigger in measurement than your diamond. Tip: When flipping through magazines or photographs, utilize a diamond as a manual for discover pictures that are the ideal size for your magnets.
Join Gem to Paper
With a paintbrush, brush a slim layer of Mod Podge onto the level side of a diamond, then, at that point press it immovably onto the paper. Let dry for around 20 minutes or until the Mod Podge is totally clear.
Cut Excess Paper
After the Mod Podge is dry, snatch your scissors and slice around the pearl to eliminate the abundance paper. You’ll likely need to require a subsequent leave to clean behind any battered edges.
Join Magnet to Gem
Add a speck of heated glue to the level side of the pearl. Press a magnet immovably onto the diamond and let dry. What’s more, you’re done — it’s that simple! To bundle your magnets up as gifts, have a go at placing them in a little tin — they’ll adhere to the metal and stay set up.
Making a Stamped Clay Magnet
1) Gather your provisions. You can make wonderful magnets out of mud and elastic stamps. Paper dirt dries white, making it the ideal surface to paint on. It likewise dries lightweight, so it will not slide down the entryway of the cooler. Here’s a rundown of what you will require:
• Air dry paper dirt
• Rolling pin
• Cookie cutters or art blade
• Rubber stamps
• Ink cushion (discretionary)
• Clear acrylic sealer
• Round button magnet
• Hot stick or modern strength stick
2) Roll out some air-dry paper earth until it is around 5 mm thick. You would prefer not to make it excessively flimsy or excessively thick, or it might break while it dries. Paper earth is incredible, on the grounds that it dries exceptionally lightweight.
3) Use an elastic stamp to engrave a few plans into the dirt. You will finish off shapes later. This is to give the shapes some surface and plan. You can utilize elaborate plans, like damask and parchments. You can likewise utilize pictures or images, like a feline, canine, heart, or star.
• If you need your plan to be shaded, then, at that point press your elastic stamp into a hued ink cushion first. The shading will move to the dirt, alongside your plan.
• You can likewise utilize fancy fastens or ornaments to stamp plans.
4) Use a cut out or an art blade to cut shapes into your mud. You can make any shape you need; however easier shapes (like circles and squares) may flaunt your plan better.
5) Let the dirt dry. Contingent upon how dry or muggy it is, this can require a few hours or overnight.
6) Use a fine-coarseness sandpaper to buff away any worn-out edges. On the off chance that the dough shapers didn’t cut clean, you can smooth the edges down with some sandpaper.
7) Consider work of art your piece. You can paint it utilizing some water shading paints or acrylic paints. Water shading paints will give you a sheer completion, and acrylic paints will give you an opaquer finish. Permit the paint to dry prior to continuing on.
8) Seal the front and back of your earth piece. The earth will dry matte, however on the off chance that you utilize a polished sealer, you will get a coated look. Seal the front first and let it dry prior to fixing the back. This will help your piece last more. It will likewise keep the magnet from stripping off.
• You can splash it with an unmistakable acrylic shower sealer. You can likewise apply some Mod Podge over it rather utilizing a paintbrush or a froth brush.
9) Glue a round magnet to the rear of your dirt piece. You can utilize heated glue or a mechanical strength stick.
10) Allow the paste to dry before you utilize your magnet. Heated glue sets rapidly, however modern strength pastes require a few hours to dry and fix. Allude to the mark on your paste as each brand is somewhat unique.